Sunday, October 21, 2007


So much depends upon being content.

I got Snickers the adorable two year old kitten last Saturday! It was a little strange for several days for me. Not for Snickers, though. She made this her home almost immediately. I have had to get used to having someone to think about taking care of; I can't just run off for the night somewhere now without making sure she'll have enough food and water first. But now I love looking over and seeing her sprawled out on the couch sleeping. And I love it when she pounces on my feet under the covers, thinking that they're prey. I wish the smell didn't come along with her, but I'm doing what I can to keep that under control. I have a companion now, and I think it does make me feel a little better.

I managed to write a six-page paper in a day last week, which, strangely, made me happy, considering I spent 17 hours on the last six-page paper I wrote (due to anxiety). I talk to a counselor for the first time this week, and hopefully that will help me, too. I've been needing to go to counseling for some time now, and I'm finally taking the step to do it. Good for me.

Jedsen and I are spending the weekend apart again due to homework and GRE-studying. Bummer, but that's the way it's going to be until all of these projects we have going are done. I have two twenty-page papers to write in the next month and a bunch of poems to write/revise, as well. Grad school is not kind when it comes to down time.

Yesterday I got to have breakfast with Brooksie, my roommate when I moved to Manhattan, and it was wonderful. We haven't talked much since she moved back to Wichita in the summer of 2006, so we had a lot to catch up on. She's a great person and was a great roommate, but I didn't take advantage of her when we were living together. I've never been very close to girls--my best friendships haven't had the typical closeness you think of when you think BFF. So, I really didn't know how to be a fun roommate and friend. I spent a lot of time in my room doing homework when I was home and not a lot of time hanging out with her. Then, I was always with Jedsen on the weekends when I did have some time to do something fun. Thus, we parted ways that July barely more friends than we had been when we moved in together. I regret that. I had the opportunity to make a life-long, good friend, and I blew it. Nevertheless, we'll always have that connection of living together for our Junior year at KSU.

I'm headed to a reading downtown by my MFA-mates, then it's back to reading and homework. And snuggling with Snickers.

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