Monday, January 24, 2011

White night

Lately, I have been falling asleep at inconvenient times. Like, while watching a documentary on stress at the dining room table. Or during the 4th quarter of a division championship game. Or, just now, while reading one of my own essays, one that I was reading to remind myself what I think I'm capable of writing.

Not a good sign, me thinks.

But, perhaps it has nothing at all to do with the stimulant that is clearly not sustaining my alertness. My head feels heavy constantly, like the substance between my ears is folding in. Yet then I wake at 4am, 5am, or somewhere in the nether regions of night that purposefully doesn't get named, I wake to a cat staring at me from the pillow. She stares, and her weight changes the pillow's weight, and my head shifts, and I stare at her white chest only as long as it takes me to realize it and then shove her off the bed. Not on the pillow, Snickers. Not now. Go.

I listen for the thud and the meows, her standing on the ground waiting for her next move. And a few moments later when again her face is looking at mine, the questioning grunts in the night.

After I shower, I come out to find her asleep on the foot of the bed for her morning nap. I poke her but she only purrs.

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