Tuesday, December 09, 2008


So my cold seemed to be getting better, and now it's not. And now it's seeping down into my lungs and through my veins to make me sluggish--brain and body. You know the feeling of the body draining down from the temples to the toes, and then all energy and function seem to float away with the snow drifts. You know how it seems to happen just when you need that energy the most. Like when you're meeting with students and they expect coherent answers to their questions. Like when you have to finish up a project worth nearly half your grade and you can't fathom reading it a tenth time. Like when you have to give your first out-of-town reading on Friday in front of your boyfriend's peers and professors in the Plaza.

McGregor Mountain Lodge. Estes Park. That's where I want to go in January to my little getaway with Jedsen before it all gets underway again. Is it crazy to go into the Rocky Mountains in January? Is that why the hotels are half-price now? Would I mind Colorado snow and cold? Probably a little, but probably not a lot. Vacation. Mountains. Jedsen.

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