Monday, July 01, 2013

Off to press

Today, I sent this baby off to press. Hallelujah!

John Cribb and I, as co-editors, started working on it a year and a half ago when we first issued our call for essays. Send us your memories of Spartanburg during the holidays, we said. And they did. We got essays spanning the decades and suburbs, cedar trees and aluminum, childhood dreams of snow and adult drunken Eves. 

And then I designed it, interior and exterior, with Ian Curcio's hip photos. And learned a lot about how my perfectionism is both a godsend and a liability. 

I'm excited to see it in print, to put it on my shelf, to head back to Spartanburg in November to celebrate the release with 34 supreme writers. 

You next, Hutchinson? I think you might be. 

Oh, and you can pre-order Hub for the Holidays here. I think you should.