Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Stop this Train

I just can't get a break. It's school school school projects papers. Then work work work. Where's my summer? I think summer's locked in some high school dream box along with my healthy body and sound mind. How do weeks go so fast? Where does life go?

Brooksie and Kevin are getting married on Thursday. It's so strange, yet I'm so happy for them. They've been together a long time, and they're going to be good together as Mr. and Mrs. McCarty. I'm looking forward to the wedding, too. To seeing everyone. People I haven't seen in years or even since high school. My, how things have changed. It's that time thing again. Only, on my end, the last five years since high school have seen me grow as a person. I'm not the shy, innocent, quiet girl I was back then. I mean, I'm still shy, I'm still innocent in a "cute" way, and I'm still quiet...at times. To a lesser degree. I'm more me now. I'm more free.

Snickers is talking. I don't know what she wants. Probably food. It's always food.

The semester turned out well. I don't understand it. I guess I don't understand myself in that respect. I also guess I shouldn't argue about it. Thank you...stress?

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

By the way

I'm working on my twenty-some page research paper for World War I lit right now. It's due tomorrow. It's been painful, but actually less painful than previous semesters, specifically last semester. The anxiety level never reached the height of the fall, thank goodness. That was torture. Now I'm merely tortured by stress and the fact that even after this one is turned in and behind me I still have another smaller paper to write and a story to revise. Does it ever end? Yes, Friday at 5 pm.

And then it's to Hutchinson for my brother's high school graduation! It will truly be surreal.

Just for the record...

I'm not an American Idol fan. But I must say that I got dragged into it this year. Yes, I followed it, admittedly, but I will still not claim to be a fan of the show. But I have to tell you all out there just what I think because, well, it doesn't matter, but I need to tell someone.

David Cook should win. He is the only one of any of them that would put on a good show, that would make a good album. He's not the typical "I'm pretty and I can sing" American Idol contestant. He actually has substance, a personality, a style.

David Archuletta is just a kid who has a good, common, does-nothing-for-the-senses voice. He needs to go back to high school.

Syeesha (is that how you spell it?) is talented, sure, but she's not going to sell a ton of records. What kind of an album would she make, anyway? She needs to go to Broadway.

Okay, I'm done. That's enough American Idol to last me the rest of my life.